Pat McGrath 遮瑕膏心得 | Is it worth the money? Pat McGrath Skin Fetish: Sublime Perfection Concealer


Is this concealer worth the money and hype?


有在follow歐美彩妝的人應該都知道Pat McGrath Lab這個牌子



I tried the Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer / Corrector.

I was so excited when she releases this concealer since I am always on the hunt for a great concealer.





Let’s talk about the packaging first.

The tube is made of glass, so it has a nice weight on it. I do really like the black and gold colour scheme.

The applicator is nice and small, which doesn’t pick up too much product at once.






I got the shade LM8 (light-medium with yellow undertones), which I think it’s a good shade match for me.

The texture of the concealer is quite thick and creamy but easy to blend with both a brush and sponge.










The coverage can be built up to full coverage, but it doesn’t feel drying underneath the eyes.

However, I find that when I set this concealer with any powder, it will sink into my lines almost right away.

So I would recommend using a hydrating primer and don’t set this concealer with powder if you have dry skin like me.

As for the wear time, I find that the coverage wears off a bit after 3 hours, but it stays pretty much the same for the rest of the day.

So I wouldn’t say the longevity of this concealer is bad, but it definitely can be better.




Here is a video of me apply this concealer.

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@patmcgrathreal 遮瑕膏心得‼️ 有在follow歐美彩妝的人應該都知道Pat McGrath這個牌子 繼去年出了備受矚目的粉底液之後,上個月底他們家又出了遮瑕膏! 先來說一下包裝 管身是有重量感的玻璃管,黑色跟金色字體的搭配蠻有質感 刷頭大小很剛好,一次沾取的量也不會過多 我選的色號是LM8,是個帶黃調的中間色號 管身跟手臂試色都看起來很白,但實際上妝時發現這個顏色蠻適合我的,可以稍微提亮眼下 膏體的質地偏稠,上妝時用輕拍的方式會比較好推開,延展度算不錯 我試過用蜜粉餅定妝,結果那天卡粉超級嚴重!眼下的細紋一覽無遺😭 後來嘗試不用任何粉類定妝,妝感反而維持得不錯 如果你跟我一樣眼下偏乾的話,建議這支遮瑕膏不用粉類定妝,反而要加強妝前保濕⚠️ 黑眼圈遮瑕力大概有八成,可以疊加到九成,遮瑕度非常不錯 持妝度有點難評分,大概帶妝三個小時就可以感覺到遮瑕度下降到約六成 不過一整天八個小時下來,妝感跟帶妝三小時的妝感差別不大 個人覺得這樣的持妝度算不上差,但絕對可以更好,如果晚上有活動還是要稍微補一下妝 整體來說是一支不錯的遮瑕膏,但以它的價位來看又覺得CP值相對沒有那麼高 📍總結一下📍 優點:遮瑕度高、延展性不錯、使用感受佳 缺點:保濕度跟持妝力稍嫌不足、價格偏高 ————— I tried the Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer I got the shade LM8 (light medium with yellow undertones) which I think it's a good shade match for me. The texture of the concealer is quite thick and creamy, but easy to blend with both a brush and a sponge. The coverage can be built up to a full coverage but it doesn't feel drying underneath the eyes. However, I find that when I set this concealer with any powder, it will sink into my lines almost right away. So I would recommend using a hydrating primer and don't set this concealer with powder if you have dry skin like me. As for the wear time, I find that the coverage wears off a bit after 3 hours but it stays pretty much the same for the rest of the day. So I wouldn't say the longevity of this concealer is bad, but it definitely can be better. Overall, I think this is a decent concealer but I did expect more with its price tag. #makeupdrunk #concealer #beautybloggers #tryingnewthings #patmcgrathlabs #populzzang #麗莎試色 #彩妝控 #遮瑕 #美妝 #뷰티 #코덕 #코덕스타그램 #뷰티스타그램

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文章在這:Pat McGrath眼下蜜粉心得

Overall, I think this is a decent concealer even though I did expect more with its price tag.

I love that it has full coverage, but it needs a bit of help with skin prep and maybe a setting mist for longer wear time.
